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Monthly Archives: March 2021

Revisiting the past (because I’m bored!)

‘Meterorite’ – bought in Morocco, two years ago.

I’ve always wondered if this is a meteorite or not. How can you tell? Then I found the Meterorites for sale website and followed their identification methods.

Although it looks like a lump of haematite it is not particularly heavy. It has a brownish streak. There is no fusion crust although this would have eroded away quickly in a desert environment. It is solid ,non-porous and weakly magnetic.

Filing away one corner of the specimen revealed a shiny iron (or metallic looking) grain in a fine matrix.

I therefore think that this is stony iron meteorite.

Art & decorative patterns can really start from anything.  This pattern started from a figure and has been compiled using Procreate.  The colours haven’t translated accurately.   The orginal has much more yellow in it.