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Posca pen on pebble.

Soutine/Kossoff at Hastings Contemporary Art Gallery, what a great exhibition! In stark contrast there is a room full of abstract ultramarine & umber paintings on canvas by Yun Hyong-Keun.

Amaltheus margaritatus (de Montfort 1808) right hand image.

Harpoceras falcifarum

Fossil preparation is my new art. The country rock is much softer than I expected but it’ll still take ages to remove it carefully.

Work in progress. Beautiful specimen of Harpoceras falciferum from Seavington. With a tiny piece of echinoid plus a small bivalve attached. The attached bivalve implies that this ammonite hung around on the sea floor, post mortem. Fossils like this can be read like a book – amazing!